My Secret List Building Do’s and Don’ts

If you want to entice people onto your list, you have to have the right giveaway. I rarely use the free report option nowadays as I have found that people have become blind to them and realise that many of these reports are low quality PLR that have been thrown together.

The result is that they either do not opt in for your freebie or worse! They opt in and then download your free report and unsubscribe immediately after.

And that’s no good for your unsubscribe rates or you.

So what I tend to do is I break down the free info that I am sharing, making sure that it is of high quality.

I rewrite it, add my spin to it and turn it into a 7 to 10 day e-course.

Unlike giving someone the whole course, I share it daily as a private page on my blog.

That way I email my new people daily and add the link in that email complete with a summary or short paragraph of what they can expect.

I could simply add the information to the email but this doesn’t work as well as they will get used to taking action and clicking on links in my email and getting access to high quality private information on my blog.

This helps to connect with them and get them to expect my email at a certain time of the day, plus they will be opening them, reading them and clicking on the link inside.

What better way to build a trusting connection with your list

Plus you will be getting traffic to your site.


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